The Government Shutdown and Your Loan
Blog:The Government Shutdown and Your Loan

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Chances are good that it may mean nothing at all.
While the government may be closed, we are open for business and working as hard as ever to get your transaction to the same point—closed.
Whether or not we encounter delays will depend primarily on the type of loan you are using and the number of required third party verifications or services that are administered only through government agencies. These might include tax transcripts, Social Security number confirmations or flood insurance documents, for example.
Certain government-sponsored programs, such as those with the USDA, may have delayed closings. Others, such as those with an FHA loan, may not. The most common Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac conventional loans should not be impacted as long as needed verifications were obtained early or if they become available prior to settlement.
No one likes uncertainty, so we're here for your questions as they pertain to your current transaction or one you might be considering.
We'll do our best to keep things moving, even if Uncle Sam is not.